Not in my house. Men were outnumbered two to one in the house my husband grew up; he received "special training" in the art of putting the seat AND cover down on the toilet from his mom and three sisters. Now, I don't share this to make you all jealous, but to explain why a recent phenomenon in our house has been all the more shocking.
Imagine this. You have a free moment, you HAVE to go to the bathroom. Just a quickie. You run to the sanctuary of the bathroom for a private moment of peace. You lift up the seat cover, sit down and squish.
You, my friend, have just sat in a pee. EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!
No one told me that having girls means that you have to LOOK before you sit. Had the toilet seat cover been up, I just might have seen the telltale signs of sprinkles and I may have avoided the aforementioned incident.
Well, you can bet your sweet bippy that I look before I sit now.
I thought about buying this clever little toilet paper but the main perpetrator can't read. Besides, we go through enough toilet paper between the girls need to be Sahara-desert-dry and me wiping the seat off before I sit that we would go broke buying anything but the industrial package at Costco.
Lord, I can't wait till they start their periods some day.
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