Let me introduce you to Dorothy. Isn't she beautiful?
My friend and neighbor, Tisra, and her family have been in the adoption process for a girl from Taiwan for over 2 years now when out-of-the-blue there was Dorothy...in India. With the paperwork in the final phase and the date for picking her up being scheduled, Tisra and her family have devised a great way to raise the last of the money they need to pay for the adoption and bring her home.
If you have a minute check out their website here and for just a $10 donation, you will get a "ticket" that will be entered into a drawing for a whole slew of amazing prizes that have been donated to the Fadely's for the purpose of helping them Bring Dorothy Home Quickly. From a Wii Family pack to a professional camera and blog site set up as well as beautiful handmade items from friends at Etsy, there are wonderful prize packages to be won.
If you don't have the funds to contribute, then blog about it, put a blog button on your site and email your friends and you will be entered (up to a total of 3 entries) into their "Spread the Word" contest which features a GORGEOUS Coach leather Ergo purse and more as a prize.

Awwww.... thanks for spreading the word. You'll have to check out the blog- but we got updated pictures of her yesterday, too. She's got a pout that melts my heart... now's the time to firm up resolve so she's not spoiled. ;-)