Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Savvy Supermom Retail Score - Men's Dress Shirts & Slacks.

My Hubby works in the health care industry. His basic daily "uniform" consists of slacks and dress shirts with a suit & tie for client meetings. For the most part, he's fairly classic in his taste, and while he dresses himself (I do not pick out his outfits and iron them every day) like most men, he doesn't like shopping.

In truth, I do buy things occasionally from the thrift store, usually new with the tags on them, but for the most part I drop by the sales racks from time to time at our local department stores or discount retail stores like TJ Maxx/Marshall's/Ross.

I scored last week at Dillard's and Belk's in Cool Springs when I bought 13 items ranging from dress shirts to jeans for just $105, an average of $8 a piece. The great thing is that I was able to buy a few things that were a little outside of his comfort zone. He's not one to wear orange or green, but these were subtle enough and at $7 a piece, worth trying. I bought all the shirts I thought would work in his size with the idea that he could try them on and I could return them if they didn't work. Turns out he liked them all, and I like them on him.

The Breakdown.
9 Roundtree & York shirts $7 each/ARP $45 each ($63/$405)

1 Daniel Cremieux $11/ARP $75
2 Roundtree & York striped pants $10 each/ARP $60 each ($20/$120)
1 pair Kenneth Cole jeans $11/ARP $78

Grand Total: $105
Approximate Retail Price: $678
Savvy Savings: $573

It really pays to shop the sales rack at department stores. The key is to do it with the kind of regularity that helps you find the items you need before you need them, keeping you from spending too much when you get it in a crunch and need it "NOW".

y savvy Y'all!

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